Embedding YouTube Videos

Advanced Settings and Optimization

YouTube makes it ridiculously easy to embed a video on your website, but there are times when you need to tweak the process a little. For example, Flash video has a z-index stacking problem under IE8.

Query Parameters

For the full list, see Google’s YouTube documentation.

wmode transparent
opaque (default)
Use transparent if if the video is getting incorrectly positioned on top (z-index stacking order) of everything else.
fs 1 (enable - default)
0 (Do not allow video to go into fullscreen mode)
rel 0 (no)
1 (yes)
Show related files
modestbranding 0 (displays the share and info buttons in the header)
1 (displays "YouTube" in the header)
autoplay 0 (no)
1 (yes)
Automatically start playing the video when the page loads
start Enter a number The number of seconds in from the beginning where the video should start to play.